"Haver" British usage: "to hem and haw." Scottish: "to maunder, to talk foolishly, to chatter, talk nonsense, to babble." Jewish: "a friend, chum, mate" - specifically someone willing to partner with you in grappling with truth and Word and life. Yep, I'm setting a high bar here...

Monday, July 5, 2010

the way out of this maze of myself

I've been reading Story by Steven James - an author/poet who works his way through the biblical Story in his own poetic and storytelling way. Here's an excerpt that seems fitting as we proceed through the assorted kings and dynasties of 1 and 2 Kings...

deep in the center of dawn
the echo returns.
floating on the edge of your words
i hear hope circling around my heart
    "soon, soon, the savior will arrive.
     soon, soon, the king will come."
when will you arrive and show me
the way out of this maze
of myself? i'm feeling more and more lost
every moment i'm here.


I heard a story about a king whose brother tried unsuccessfully to assassinate him. As punishment, the king imprisoned his brother in a room with a window facing the sea. The room had a normal-sized door that a normal-sized person could walk through. They must have built the room around the guy, though, because the king's brother wasn't normal-sized at all - he was way overweight.

So all he had to do to be free was lose enough weight to fit through the door. But every day the king's servants brought platters of fine food to him. They set the food in the window. That was his sentence - overcome his addiction or die in that cell.

And he died in that cell.

Just as the king knew he would.

And the person in the story I can identify with most is that imprisoned brother, staring at the gulls and the open water, eating another mouthful of rich food and telling himself that tomorrow he'll deal with his problem and walk out the door. Yeah, he'll start tomorrow. Or someday. Whichever comes first.

But neither did.


  1. Pretty fantastic journey. As I weigh it up against what I remember about Kings I'd have to say it is a look at a choice between picking the direction God sees as best. That is, his way which brings us freedom, or choosing the stuff I feel is best, or think I need to survive or be competitive.

    Hopefully I will grasp the concept and live it and not starve myself from the truth.

  2. I wonder what would have happened to him if the food were placed just out of reach...would he have tore at his own skin? Feasted on his own flesh? There is nothing pretty about addiction - fine food, fine wine, etc.

    But find I am even more dismayed at the one who knowingly tortured the soul in distress, his own brother non the less.

  3. Food ,drink , great scenery, I can think of worse ways to die. I hear it exactly the same way as king David showing mercy to the rock jock fella. Exactly the same.
